Sunday, October 31, 2010

principles of design resaerch

ALL FOUR of these words should be in your post: BALANCE, EMPHASIS, MOVEMENT, PROPORTION. 


On your blog, describe the feedback you got on your work. 
Mention at least one sculpture from your group you thought was especially successful and why.

I got some good feed back on my sculpture. I had good balance of different materials of things I used on my sculpture. One of the things I got recommended was to make the back of my person look similar to the front. I also got emphasized that it should have some more features that would make it more human like.
I thought Lucas and Richard had a nice sculpture. They made a turtle. They made it look like a turtle well they use. They used a variety of materials and had good proportion. The legs of the turtle where ruffly the same sized and the whole thing wasn't bigger or smaller than a turtle could have been.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fabric drawings

Today you drew some fabric hanging in the middle of the room.
You were asked to think about creating the feeling of the fabric's weight and behavior in your drawing.
You were asked to build the drawing from the general to the specific.

My drawing went pretty well. It was okay creating the fabric cloth images.
Today felt a little bit easier to draw.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My group suggested that maybe I could make my guy have some real hair and some legs. Maybe make his back bit more like the rest of his body like his front.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pile of sticks

Drawing the pile of sticks was challenging because you couldn't draw everything that was there just draw the general pile. My outcome was ok but I think maybe it would have been better if it was drawn bigger.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Found Images Collage Reflection

Beltre: Home run!!!!
Working on this college project was challenging for me but also fun. It was hard for me at first to come up with an idea from the photos I had found from magazines. I think when I finally got an idea for the pictures I had, it was easy enough ones I got started to keep going because it was something I was interested in.  I think my project is explains what my favorite sport is. I think I was able to really make my idea stand out and it came out how I wanted it to.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mid-term Reflection

Usually when I start a project or something I am thinking about how I want it to look when its finished. I also plan what I want to do or how I want to make the certain thing I am going to and I decide what materials I am going to want to use and what supplies I have to use.
We have done several projects up to this point. The painting that we spilled paint onto a piece of paper and came back and tried to make something out of the blobs or shapes that had formed. I made a monster with multi colored hair. Recently we finished a college project were we had to take pictures out of magazines and make our own picture. My college was baseball related. I took a picture of Adrian Beltre and made him stand out as the hitter and there being a crowd watching what happens. I also found a catcher so I thought that would make the picture look better. For the crowed I just found as many heads as I could from magazines and put them in the background for the crowed. In class and for outside of class use we have a sketchbook to draw in. Every Wensday it would be due at the end of x block. We had to draw on four pages, so two spreads. We could draw almost anything we wanted to. The only real big guide lines were that we got a sheet and every week in our sketchbook on one or two of the pages we had to do one of the things a different one each week. Two of the pages I have done so far I spilled ginger al soda on them to make a design or an image. Another page I drew all circles another one of the options. One page I cut it up to make a design from still another option we had to do. Every Tuesday we did this drawing activity called drop everything and draw from observation. Mostly we worked at the easels looking at like a mini table with stuff on it and we had to draw what was there. We used black and white charcoal. We first focused on the overall shapes and where they would go in your drawing. Then we did some shading. We made some parts of our drawings lighter or darker depending on what angle we had.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Drawing from observation.

I was difficult to draw all the objects on the little table thing and then have to erase half of them. You had to be able to draw the objects quickly in order to get them in your drawing before the next one was put on to the table and had to be put into your drawing. You needed to be able to work in a pace.