Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
End of term reflection
This term in art I feel that I have been pretty engaged in my work. Processing my work and the steps I took to get their better helped my get to my final finished product. One big trend that I saw in my work was that I tended to do projects based on things I liked for example maybe baseball. However I feel that sense I did and I know baseball pretty well it was in a sense easier to draw or make a portrait because I knew a bit about what I was drawing. Also the thing I was either drawing or making was about something I liked. This being said I think in many ways it was much easier to stay engaged in my work. I think my most successful work of art was man vs. nature project. I really liked the idea I cam up with and was able to dive right in and make my drawing of birds playing baseball. I feel I was able to make it look like the birds were playing baseball pretty well. I think art will always be in everybody's life whether they like it or not. Art is all around us. From paintings to merials to drawings. I see myself in the future possible taking art again. Art also is in our everyday lives even tho we might not think about by the cloths we wear. From the colors on our pants or shoes or shirt to the design or symbols that might be on them.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Matt Rich

I find this picture interesting because Matt Rich seems to use a lot of shapes in his work. In this picture I believe he was making it of Obama. You can tell that several diffrernt shapes were made in order to make this work of art.
1. What inspired you to make art using shapes to creat your designs or images?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Reflecting on what I've Learned this term
- Perspective
- Drawing figures/people
- Mixing different colors
- Planning out ideas
- Marks
Monday, October 31, 2011
portfolio critic notes
Trend: I relate projects to things I like.
Critics: broaden horizens get in touch with old friends.
I should finish old projects that arent done
Critics: broaden horizens get in touch with old friends.
I should finish old projects that arent done
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Midterm reflection
My engement has been good. I have been doing better on being able to dive into a project and get going without to much trouble. I have made work from both observation and perspective. My finished product has been pretty good. In the past I would sometimes have trouble knowing when I finished something now I know when something is finsihed or not finished. My finished project comes out looking more like what I want it to or think it should. I have continued to work in my sketchbook this year. I feel my Sketchbook can be a good way to brainstorm for a project and come up with ideas.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Planning Man vs. Nature Project
I am plannig on doing a baseball game. However there will be no humans the game will be played by animals. I am going to have birds be playing baseball.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Things Are not what they seem
Doing these drawings from observation got hard at times becuase it was hard to make the perspective exactly corect. The measure could be hard at times ro because of angles and lines not always being strate and having to drawing in three d a lil. It was hard to make the illusion correct especially drawing the objects on the table. It was tricky to make them look like they were upright and make them look like they were on top of the table. I felt that doing the objects and things on the three doors were easier then doing then drawing the objects on the table. It was a little frustrating at first figuring out the size and making sure you had enought room to fit all the objects in your picture according to where they belonged.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Thinking about drawing and painting
Drawing and painting are still valuable methods becuase it teches people skills that it takes to make a portrait. Drawing can creat different things than photograhy can. In a photograph the things dot look like there moving much but ina a drawing you can ad lines and texture to make it more obvious.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Looking forward
I think I could use some of my time drawing or doing things in sketchbook.
Reflecting at the end of year
It seems like as I have been going back through my blog that I was good at using color in my projects. What I mean by this is that most of my projects were a variety of colors not one solid boring one. I think one challenge I had at the begging of the year was size and proportion. I noticed that somethings could have been a little better or turned out differentley if I had made them bigger. I noticed however by the end of the year I have been much better at doing this. I think sometimes one thing that could be hard for me was starting a new project. I would understand what I needed to do and everything but I might have a challenge getting started on an idea that came to mind that I could do. I think that I will take away that it is not necessellarly important to worry about how something will turn out but that it is soemtimes more important the steps it takes you to get to your final result. What I mean is that sometimes your tought process and how you went about doing something could be more important than a final result. I will also take away that even if your trying to copy or do soemthing similar for a project and the thing your tryng to copy already exist that you dont necessellarly have to make it exactly the same thing. You should think about how you want it turn out not how u think it should or is ment for it to. I guess sometimes this could have been a small challenge for me sometimes because sometimes I like to have things come out how they are suppose to if im trying to copy something.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sketchbook Archeology
This year sketchbook has gone okay for me. I have noticed sometimes I have lots that I can put in it and other times I find I dont have many things to put in it. Some of my scketchbook is designes and shapes and some are pictures of me or of things I like or enjoy doing. I noticed I have put some baseball and sports pictures in it that show that I like baseball. I also noticed that many of the designes I put in are sometimes just shapes or one design overlapping another one.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Symbolic clay sculptue portrait
Jacoby Ellsbury. He is really fast so I would make a rabit running and he would run to a house because he runs around the bases fast and because he stole home last year agianst the yankees. I might make a rabit and a house and have a path the rabbit would take to get to the house. I picked a rabit because they are known as pretty fast animals and Ellsbury is pretty fast.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Symbolic Drawing Brainstorming
A sports player maybe a red sox player or a bruins player.
Kevin Youkilis
Jacoby Ellsbury
Dustin pedroia
Kevin Youkilis
- red sox
- third base
- big hitter
- mlb debut may 2004
- number 20
- middle name Edmund
- 32 years old/ born march 15, 1979 Cincinnati OH
- mlb experience 7 years
- bats and throws righty
- college Cincinnati/graduated 1997
- 2 time All Star selections and 2 time world series champion
- won a gold glove in 2008 when he played first base
- Drafted: 2001: 8th Rnd, 243rd by BOS
Jacoby Ellsbury
Adrian Gonzalez
Jed Lowrie
Tim Wakefield
Jon Lester
Jed Lowrie
Tim Wakefield
Jon Lester
Zdeno Chara
Tuuka Rask
Patrice Bergeron
Thursday, March 31, 2011
crane project
The pictures we looked were terrible. It was hard to think how a place could end up looking like that.
I would probably want japan to have peace and hope in the rebielding proces of what was destroyed.
I would probably want japan to have peace and hope in the rebielding proces of what was destroyed.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Getting back to materials
I used pipe cleaners to make a picture of my head. I used pipe cleaners because I thought it wouldn't be to hard to attach them together and they would bend easily into wahtever shape I needed them to. I felt that my project was okay. It was a little challenging making it at first but I think it came out pretty well when I was finished.
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